Kevin O'Brien | Architect
House for a Magician
Las Vegas, NV
This project is a three level 4500 square foot house for a Magician in the Nevada desert. The residence is constructed on a 35 degree sloped site with a southwest orientation, and is built on a solid 'caliche' mix of natural concrete and volcanic rock. The area is sparsely vegetated low desert, and experiences climate extremes between 35 and 120 degrees.
The house utilizes a system of layering to respond to the brutality and beauty of the desert site. Specific views through framed openings edit the experience of vast desert. Passive solar techniques were extensively used throughout; the thick southern wall wraps around the south and east creating a series of protected exterior balconies. On the north side, the house opens up to a shaded terrace which is oriented to the distant view of Las Vegas.
A 10,000 volume library lies at the center of the house, which also features a forced-perspective gallery, study, exercise room, and catwalk. The circulation winds up through the house to terminate in a crow's nest lookout and hidden deck. Secret passages allow clandestine movement between spaces.
designed in collaboration with Sigrid Pollin